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Saturday, November 27, 2010


wahid got owned.. first of all.. as usuall  but we all thoguht she was good cauz ... u . . know.. she............ (i wont say it..)

anyways... we were the yucky YELLOW team first.. then we wanted to stay yucky YELLOW but we couldnt.. so we gay bullshit BLUE. We won both.. which we good cauz we had WAHID.... who came LAST FOR BOTH helpful-.- 550 points --.- for both..

yea.. and after that. we went to the new utopia... SMELT LIKE THE DONKEYS ASSHOLE.. yea.. anyway.. we got bbt n walked over to maccas... ON THE WAY yan frieken spat out bbt on my shirt AND also shot sagos at me... HE WAS SOOOO LUCKY.. i took the small straw so my chocolate sago couldnt come out...

later... we were going to movies.. but we went to the arcade first and played racing .. lolliie game thing.. n TIME CRISIS 4.. but yea.. n. . ..  .BRENDAN N TANYA.. <3 went to movies TOGETHER.. with .. .others.. n yea. the rest.. went home

pretty good day overall.. was funn... OH YEA extra info.. during writing down the bbt.. yan n jayden were rubbing 10$ down marks back and u could see the sweat on the money afterwards ... grooss :P

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